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Net0 (R0)
Network configuration
Upstream interface (enp0s3)
#/etc/systemd/network/ # [Match] Name=enp0s3 [Network] # SLAAC IPv6 for obtaining the default route. LinkLocalAddressing=ipv6 DHCP=yes [IPv6AcceptRA] DHCPv6Client=yes
Downstream interface enp0s8 (LAN2)
#/etc/systemd/network/ # [Match] Name=enp0s8 [Network] DHCPPrefixDelegation=yes IPv6SendRA=yes IPv6AcceptRA=no IPForward=yes DHCPServer=yes [DHCPPrefixDelegation] UplinkInterface=enp0s3 SubnetId=8 Announce=yes [Address] Address= [DHCPServer] PoolOffset=90 PoolSize=10
Downstream interface enp0s9 (LAN3)
This interface is configured analogous to enp0s8 except for
DHCP configuration
#/etc/dhcp/dhcpd6.conf # ... # The subnet where the server is attached # (i.e., the server has an address in this subnet) subnet6 2001:2db:8073:e00::/64 { range6 2001:2db:8073:e00::2 2001:2db:8073:e00::9; # Use the whole /64 prefix for temporary addresses # (i.e., direct application of RFC 4941) range6 2001:2db:8073:e00:: temporary; # Some /64 prefixes available for Prefix Delegation (RFC 3633) prefix6 2001:2db:8073:e10:: 2001:2db:8073:e80:: /60; }
router0_config.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/08 15:29 by bent